Book Corner

Reading is a great coping tool for mental distress. It can be a challenge to get into as reading requires the use of the mind when its a little bit haywire, but if you can persevere and start easy, reading becomes a great escape from the chaos and also a great way of exercising the brain and mind.

This is a page of book suggestions for when you are stuck and would like to find a new read.

Tool Kit Books:

The Post-Natal Depletion Cure - Dr Oscar Serrellach

Aroha - Dr Hinemoa Elder

It would really help me if you... - Elouise Quigan

Fiction - Escaping Reality:

The Prison Healer - Lynette Noni (Book 1)
The Gilded Cage - Lynette Noni (Book 2)
The Blood Traitor - Lynette Noni (Book 3)
